Maternity Classes and Support Groups
Maternity Classes
Through every step of your pregnancy, we are dedicated to providing support, education and high-quality maternity services to help you have a happy and healthy pregnancy, delivery and hospital experience.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
Perinatal Classes to Fit Your Busy Schedule
We encourage you to register for our free Memorial Family Birthplace Pregnancy App, powered by YoMingo. This app is an online pregnancy resource center designed to educate expectant moms about prenatal care, labor and delivery, breastfeeding, and postpartum care for you and your newborn.
All Classes and Support Groups
Our in-person and virtual orientations to Memorial Family Birthplace provide information regarding what to bring, what the rooms look like, security, visiting, and hospital services. Plan to attend early in your pregnancy for a tour at any of our three locations:
- Register for Tour at Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Tour at Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Tour at Memorial Hospital West: Virtual or In-person
- Watch Memorial Hospital West Virtual Orientation
Included in this registration: The opportunity to register for an in-person walk-through tour of the maternity units if you choose. After attending the maternity orientation, you will be sent a private link to register for the walk-through should you desire. Based on room availability.
Virtual Tours
You can also view our amenities tour videos at each location:
Family Birthplace Tour en Español
Asistir a una Orientación virtual del “Family Birthplace” le permitirá tener una idea clara de que debe esperar del hospital. Se le enseñará dónde aparcar, cómo entrar al hospital y cómo funciona la admisión. Es bueno asistir lo más pronto posible para que no se pierda ninguna información útil y oportuna.
Regístrese para la clase:
- Memorial Hospital West: Virtual or Presencial
- Memorial Hospital Miramar: Virtual
Baby Care

This interactive class will help you learn how to take care of your baby, and provide current information for expectant parents.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Class – Hosted by at Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West
Cuidado de su Recién Nacido (Memorial Hospital West) — Baby Care In Spanish
Esta clase cubre información actualizada sobre cuidados básicos para el bebé, la seguridad en la cuna, prevención de SIDS (Síndrome de Muerte Súbita en la Cuna), síntomas de enfermedad e indicadores de que está estableciendo lazos de unión con su bebé. Se enseñan las características de un “bebé normal”, cómo se comportan y cuándo llamar al Pediatra.
Otras clases en español: Lactancia Materna
Baby Calming

This class teaches parents simple, step-by-step, fun techniques to help soothe their babies' cries using the 5 S's method. Period of PURPLE CRYING discussed. Techniques for calming can be practiced on a doll.
Included free in this registration: Baby Calming Skills Workshop. An in-person session to practice what you have learned with your partner. You will be sent a private link to register for the in-person Baby Calming Skill Workshop after completing the online class.

This class will provide current information and tips to help to make the early days of breastfeeding a positive experience for new mothers and their infants. All family members are welcome and encouraged to join. This breastfeeding class should be taken before the baby arrives but may be attended after the birth as well.
To schedule a lactation telehealth visit, call 954-844-9908.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital: Virtual or In-person
Clase de Lactancia Materna — Breastfeeding Class in Spanish
Esta clase brinda la información más actualizada y consejos para que los primeros días de lactancia sean una experiencia positiva para las nuevas madres y sus bebés. Se aconseja que la pareja y las abuelas asistan a la clase antes de que nazca el bebé.
Otras clases en español: Cuidado de recien nacido
Car Seat Safety Check
30-minute safety check at Memorial Hospital West for your installed infant/child car seat.
Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West
Caring for Mom
This interactive class is a guide for mom’s care after childbirth. Topics will include: Physical and emotional changes after birth, self-care, tips for the new father or partner, and important mom's warning signs.
Cesarean Birth

This interactive class provides information for parents-to-be about cesarean childbirth. Includes information on when a cesarean birth is indicated, anesthesia used, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. Information on post-surgery care, recovery, and vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC) are included. This class is appropriate for anyone who is having a repeat cesarean birth or for a first-time mother.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar
Grandparents Webinar
This class will discuss the special contribution grandparents make in the lives of their grandchildren. It includes how things have changed since their own children were born and provides information on childbirth, baby care, breastfeeding, and baby safety.
Healthy Pregnancy and Planning Your Birth

This class will help you learn about a healthy pregnancy and process for planning your birth.

You can experience birthing in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear that prevents the muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to. In this calm state, your body’s natural relaxant, endorphins, replaces the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain. The class can be taken as soon as the end of the first trimester.
The practitioner is affiliated with the HypnoBirthing Institute and is currently certified and authorized to teach the complete HypnoBirthing Program.
You will need to purchase the following book with download card on your own prior to the first class: HypnoBirthing®; The Mongan Method (4th Edition) with Rainbow Relaxation Download Card.

Taught by a Certified HypnoMothering® Practitioner, this interactive class will help you create calm in the new baby storm with techniques and hypnosis designed specifically for the challenges and changes facing new mothers. You’ll learn easy and fast self-hypnosis techniques to make the most of limited sleep, keep light and balanced on challenging days, and find focus amidst a myriad of new feelings. This program’s deeper hypnosis recordings are designed to make this transition smoother by connecting to yourself, your baby, and new resources you’re developing moment by moment.
Free Bonus: Upon completion of the class you will be sent details on how to access the HypnoMothering® 9 hypnosis MP3’s and eight helpful handouts that have a $30 value for no additional charge.
Infant Safety and CPR

This interactive class will help you learn how to help create a safe environment for your baby. An Infant CPR and Choking demonstration is included in this webinar. This class follows the American Heart Association’s Infant CPR guidelines. Have a doll or teddy bear ready to practice with. Not suitable for those that require a certification.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
Included free in this registration: Infant CPR Skills Workshop. An in-person session to practice what you have learned with your partner using manikins. You will be sent a private link to register for the in-person Infant CPR Skill Workshop after completing the online class.
Question about car seat safety? Call our hotline at 954-276-1236.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West: Virtual or In-Person
Seguridad Infantil y Reanimación Cardiopulmonar de Bebé
Esta clase es para todos: padres, parientes y amigos que vayan a cuidar del bebé. Sigue las normas de la Asociación Americana del Corazón de “CPR para Familiares y Amigos.” No es adecuada para quienes buscan un certificado de CPR.
Infant Sleep Safety

This class will cover the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for safe infant sleep. You will learn what a safe infant sleep environment looks like and what you can do to help reduce the risk of infant sleep related deaths.
Labor and Birth
This class will help you and your partner learn current information about the natural labor and birth process. Includes stages of labor, pregnancy warning signs, signs that labor is near and when to come to the hospital.

Included free in this registration: Labor Rehearsal Skills Workshop. An in-person session to practice what you have learned with your partner. You will be sent a private link to register for the in-person Labor Rehearsal after completing the online class.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West
Preparación Para el Parto

A partir de la semana 20 de embarazo ya estás lista para comenzar con su clase de Preparación de parto. Esta clase incluye información acerca de la última etapa de embarazo, el momento del parto y como recuperarse pronto. La clase incluye opciones naturales con técnicas de relajación y control del dolor de manera natural con ejercicios. La clase también incluye las opciones médicas para que esté totalmente informada.
- Registrate en la Clase - Organizado por Memorial Hospital West
- Registrate en la Clase - Organizado por Memorial Hospital Miramar
Preparación de Parto y Medidas Para Manejar Dolor
Comparta con nuestras enfermeras de sala de parto! Brinda instrucción completa acerca de la etapa final del embarazo, el trabajo de parto y postparto. La puede tomar a partir de la semana 20 de embarazo. La clase incluye:
- Técnicas de relajación, y control del dolor de manera natural, así como ejercicios y técnicas de respiración para prepararla para un trabajo de parto de manera natural.
- También se incluyen las opciones médicas, como la anestesia epidural, medicamentos e información básica en caso de una posible cesárea, para que esté completamente informada.
- La futura madre debe traer a clase a quien será su persona de apoyo durante el parto, así como dos almohadas y una sábana para los ejercicios en el piso.
Labor Comfort Techniques and Epidural
This class provides information on the pain of labor, comfort measures to help you manage the pain of labor, and labor and birth interventions.
Included free in this registration: Labor Rehearsal Skills Workshop. An in-person session to practice what you have learned with your partner. You will be sent a private link to register for the in-person Labor Rehearsal after completing the online class.
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by Memorial Hospital West
Técnicas de Confort en el Parto y Epidural (en línea)
Técnicas de Confort en el Parto, Intervenciones de Parto y Epidural incluye: Se discuten técnicas naturales para ayudar a lidiar con el parto. Se incluye relajación activa, patrones de respiración, tacto y masaje, influencias ambientales, aromaterapia, música, hidroterapia, posiciones de parto y nacimiento. Intervenciones médicas para el trabajo de parto y nacimiento: Líquidos intravenosos, inducción del parto, monitoreo fetal, óxido nitroso, analgésicos narcóticos, anestesia epidural, episiotomía, parto asistido por extractor de vacío y nacimiento por cesaría.
Registrate en la Clase - Organizado por Memorial Hospital Miramar
Lamaze Natural Birth Class - Live Webinar

This 6-week series is designed for moms interested in using alternative methods of pain control for labor and birth. We will discuss the anatomy and physiology of childbirth, the emotional and physical aspects of giving birth, and numerous comfort measures for labor, birthing and recovery.
Every class will be interactive, including breathing and relaxation techniques, with position changes to enhance labor. We will discuss the role of the support person and how to engage them in identifying the tools to support the laboring woman.
The instructor is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator.Prepared Labor & Comfort Measures
This in-person class provides you with current information about late pregnancy, labor and postpartum. This childbirth class includes relaxation, comfort measures and breathing technique practice to help prepare you for your labor, so be sure to bring two pillows and a blanket. Information about epidurals, medications, and other medical options are included. Basic cesarean birth information is included. Mom is encouraged to bring her partner/ support person.
Preparing For a More Peaceful and Organized Postpartum Experience

Preparing for your postpartum period is equally as important as planning for the birth of your baby. In this class you will learn how to prepare and plan for the beginning of the "fourth trimester" and how to make the most of your time in the hospital after giving birth. Some of the topics we will discuss:
- What is a post birth plan and should I have one?
- Do I need to choose a pediatrician before I deliver?
- Skin-to-Skin Bonding and Breastfeeding
- Birth Certificate / Social Security Card
- Common postpartum tests and procedures for mom and baby
- Routine discharge instructions for mom and baby
- What help/support will I need when I return home from the hospital?
- Resources available for you after leaving the hospital
All of our support groups are free to the community.
Baby and Me Parenting Series

This interactive session is an informal gathering of new parents and their babies which offers support, friendship, information and parenting tips. With expert speakers on topics of interest, as well as an interactive live Q&A session and discussion, it is fun and informative for babies and their parents. Expectant families are welcome too.
Breastfeeding Support Group

This support group is for postpartum moms (after child birth). This group encourages and supports breastfeeding through peer support and an experienced International Board Certified Lactation Consultant® hosts the group. Expectant moms are to register for the breastfeeding class (not this support group).
You may register for any class, regardless of which Memorial Family Birthplace location you choose for the birth of your baby.
- Register for Class – Hosted by at Memorial Hospital Miramar
- Register for Class – Hosted by at Memorial Hospital West
- Register for Class – Hosted by at Memorial Regional Hospital
Journey in Parenting Support Group - LIVE [NEW]

Whether you are expecting, a brand new parent, or have been on this journey for a while, this group is here for you. Infants are welcome!
Transition to Parenthood

So far, there has been a lot of focus in preparing for the arrival of your new baby such as painting the nursery and purchasing a car seat, diapers, and clothes.
But what about the emotional and psychological changes of becoming a new mom or dad or transitioning from a couple of two to a family of three or more? Wellness Essentials in Transitioning to Parenthood: What You Need to Know will educate you on what the research says about the individual and relational changes of new parenthood.
Baby University
Join our pediatric specialists virtually to learn about a variety of topics related to your baby's health and well-being.
Car Seat Safety

In partnership with Safe Kids Broward, this workshop is led by Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians who will teach you and your family how to properly install a car seat.
Infant Safety
In partnership with Safe Kids Broward, this workshop is designed for parents to learn how to keep their babies safe.
For more information and questions, contact Rachele Solomon at or 954-265-4022.
Universidad Virtual de Bebés
Los Temas a Tratar Incluyen
- Educación sobre alergias alimentarias
- Prevención de intoxicaciones en bebés y más allá
Oradores destacados
- Dra. Hanadys Ale
- Lenys Klumpp - Centros de control de intoxicaciones de Florida

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